Welcome! The University of Nebraska Kearney Disability Services for Students (DSS) is here to ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to all programs and activities. If you have questions about our services that are not answered with the information provided below please contact the Disability Services for Students office for more information.
A 'disability' is a physical, medical, intellectual, psychological or other type of impairment that significantly impacts or substantially limits one or more major life activities; a record (or past history) of such an impairment; or being regarded as having a disability. Students with various types of diagnoses and conditions may qualify as a student with a disability. They include but are not limited to: learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, blind or low vision, deaf or hard of hearing, mobility or chronic health conditions, and psychological disorders.
Students with a disability, who are eligible and registered for services, may request accommodations to ensure equal access to courses, programs and activities. Academic and housing accommodations are determined based upon the needs of the individual student. Examples of academic accommodations include: extended time for exams, use of a computer for exams, transcription services, notetaker, preferential seating in classrooms, wheelchair-friendly desk, and adaptive computer software. Examples of housing accommodations include: wheelchair-accessible rooms, adaptive equipment, and emergency evacuation planning.
Students who have a disability are encouraged to register with Disability Services for Students by following the steps listed on the page entitled How to Register & Request Accommodations. Once eligibility is established and the student completes the registration process, he/she may request reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to University programs and activities. Students who do not register with Disability Services are not eligible to request disability-related accommodations. Throughout the registration process, questions are expected and welcome. Queries should be directed to the Disability Services for Students office.
Housing accommodations are determined in collaboration with by the 体育菠菜大平台 Residential Life Office. Please make disability-related requests in the residence halls to the Disability Services for Students office
CONTACT INFORMATION Disability Services for Students Office University of Nebraska Kearney Loper Success Hub 2nd Floor of the Library Phone (308) 865-8214, FAX 308-865-8286 Email unkdso@trhcn.com
For temporary injuries or conditions, Disability Services for Students may provide some services for a short period of time. Please call or email for more information.
If you have already read the page entitled How to Register & Request Accommodations, you're ready to move on to some other parts of the site. While the entire site is relevant, there are two particular pages that are important to become familiar with; they are the Student Handbook and Student Forms & Guidelines pages . It is strongly recommended that all students who are registered or considering becoming registered with Disability Services for Students (DSS) read the Student Handbook. It includes critical information on how to obtain and implement accommodations. The Student Forms & Guidelines page explains how to obtain some particular accommodations, such as transcribers, notetakers, and books in an alternate format.
Yes, due to the variety of online teaching methods students with disabilities may need different accommodations online than what is needed in a traditional classroom setting. Online students may complete the Disability Services for Students registration process at a distance without coming to campus (see the How to Register and Request Accommodations with DSS ). Contact the Disability Services for Students office to make arrangements.
CONTACT INFORMATION Disability Services for Students Office University of Nebraska Kearney Memorial Student Affairs Building Room 175 Phone (308) 865-8214, FAX 308-865-8286 Email unkdso@trhcn.com
Yes, those student veterans who have any type of physical, cognitive or psychological impairment are encouraged to request accommodations and assistance. Traumatic Brain Injuries and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder are especially prevalent among returning college student veterans.
Yes. If a student disagrees with the eligibility and/or accommodation decisions made by Disability Services for Students, it is recommended that the student meet with the Disability Services staff to discuss these questions and concerns. At any time, the student has the right to file a grievance. Information regarding the filing of a grievance is available online at http://rbc2.trhcn.com/about/compliance/discrimination-and-harassment/grievance_procedures.php. The University of Nebraska ADA/504 Compliance Officer, 230 Varner Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588-0745, (402) 472-8404.
CONTACT INFORMATION Disability Services for Students Office University of Nebraska Kearney Loper Success Hub 2nd Floor of the Library Phone (308) 865-8214, FAX 308-865-8286 Email unkdso@trhcn.com